The average annual salary for a data analyst in the US is $72,000 (₦53,000,000).
This career path is projected to grow by 31% by 2029 which is faster than the average projected rate of growth for all occupations (5%)..
Our Instructors are among the best I.T Trainers and Consultants in Nigeria.
This program is designed to hold you by the hand and show you all the tools, trick and techniques practically. You will learn all these by DEMONSTRATION. No theory.
We will support you through your job search and you will get exclusive access to our dedicated job group to apply for relevant jobs.
Weekdays Session: 4 Weeks - (Tuesday Thursday & Saturday) 2PM - 5PM
Weekend Session: 6 Weeks - Saturday & Sunday (3PM-6PM).
Start Date: 3rd of July 2023.
SkillBoost Limited: Fonte House, 1 Temple Ejekwu Close, First Artillery Junction, Aba Road, Port Harcourt, Rivers State.
Promo*: Pay N30,000 Instead of N50,000
99% of our previous students rated us 5 stars.
Don’t take our word, just read what some of them have to say.
We start our I.T classes on a rolling basis. It’s not like schools when you can only start in September. Call us on 07030163486 and we will fill you in on all the details.
© 2023 SkillBoost Limited
After payment, send a WhatsApp message to 07030163486
After payment, send a WhatsApp message to 07030163486
After payment, Send Your Receipt The WhatsApp Number 08028973599